How Can I Love Myself More in This Situation?
A Magic Key to Ease Your Transformational Journey...
Expanding on Iced Coffee from last week….
The key is a phrase, but it is a phrase that can and will transform you, if you allow it to…
I don’t remember when it came to me. Maybe I was writing for guidance, or praying in a breath-work session? Maybe I was simply ready and the words fell like pearls from the hand of God. I am not sure. What I do know is that I keep thinking about sharing them with you.
So here they are:
How can I love myself more in this situation?
It is a simple question. Pretty easy to brush off if you are feeling overwhelmed or busy. But there you are. Every moment, there is a window of opportunity.
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Busy?
How can you love yourself more in that situation?
Sometimes, it is as simple as looking out a window.
You know. Giving yourself time for that. Just that.
Sometimes, the busy energy doesn’t want you to.
And if you are a divine being, (and I am very, very sure you are), what would the energy of the divine place you come from want for you? Would it cheer your suffering, or celebrate you savoring the beauty of whatever lies on the other side of a window you decided to take a moment to look through?
In my yoga classes, I often pause intentionally, maybe only once, to place my hand somewhere on my leg or arm, with care. With love.
That may not be an easy thing to do.
You may have learned not to.
I believe simply allowing oneself to be loved or to receive care, is an actual practice. The energy channels in your body may have to learn to receive. It is easy to say, “let the love in,” like some 1960s hippie. But it is often not easy to do.
We are taught to please others. Teachers, parents, authority figures, or maybe a version of God. It is rare to really have a chance to feel:
What do you want to do? What brightens a day for you? What would feel good for you, right now, (especially if right now is challenging in some way)?
Maybe, reading this, you are feeling like a failure. Or sad. Or angry. Well…
Can you love that too?
It is a lot to expect yourself to love other people, to be kind and giving, and open hearted, and spiritual, and generally wonderful and worthy-of-being-on-the-planet, if you really don’t know how to receive love.
And if you don’t, it is not your fault. Sometimes, there are good reasons our channels to receive care are clogged. And if that is the case for you, that lack-of-ability or capacity, it is there to be loved too.
How can I love myself more in this situation?
How can you?
Today, I had a list of things to accomplish in my mind. I usually do. And this list is almost always longer than the time I have. I was feeling this list today. I went on a walk to take care of myself. That felt like love as I love the beauty of the river, the oak trees (today someone had tied yellow ribbons around them…), the spring flowers and the seeds blowing through the wind like little white, soft fairies.
And while I was there, waiting quietly behind a tree for people to finish crossing so I could cross too, some of those people, probably children, threw some rocks towards me.
How can I love myself more in this situation?
Well, I stepped away from the tree and stood in my powerful, don’t-throw-rocks-at-me-energy and an adult offered some kind of apology.
Sometimes, loving yourself more means taking a stand.
I had to do it again, when at the same river crossing, on the way back, an untethered dog decided to threaten me.
I had been chased by a dog as a child and it had scared me. This time, I stayed centered, I breathed, I didn’t make eye contact, and I told the dog, “No!” I think he liked it as he did stop and then he followed me while he bounced around playfully in front of me. And yes, I was still carefully not making eye contact while I wondered about how much that dog seemed to love a good boundary.
That was loving myself.
I came home with my list of things to accomplish in my head, and wondered why the energy around me was manifesting in rock throwing and dog chasing.
And I asked myself: How can I love myself more in this situation? Because I have a habit of making things like that, somehow, my fault.
What did I want to do? What felt good to me?
First, I called a friend and left a message asking about why the energy field on the planet was sending rocks and dogs at me. It felt supportive to do that and I was really wondering… This friend and I explore energy fields together, and so he seemed like a good resource. I wasn’t asking it from a sense of victimhood. I was curious.
Then, I wrote for some guidance around rocks and dogs and energy.
(In case you are wondering, a brief synopsis of the guidance I received is that people are in pain, it is not my fault, and people-becoming-butterflies can feel threatening to caterpillars-in-pain-and-misery. Sometimes they even throw rocks.)
Then I considered all the things on my to-do list and felt what was most important. What did I really want to do? And what felt most important was writing to you.
How can you love yourself more in whatever situation you are in?
The question can lead to little or big choices.
Right now, I am going to adjust my list again, and take a pause from writing to you.
My 87 year old dad wants to play a game with me.
How can I love myself more in this situation?
I can play a game with Dad and love him, and me. Right now, that feels like care.
If I can love myself, and make that a priority, I can be a loving presence in the world.
Sometimes that is threatening to people or energy fields that are not ready. Sometimes, the energy around you may throw rocks or dogs at you unexpectedly, when you are in the midst of your self care.
Don’t give up. Stay steady.
It is simply another opportunity to ask the question, again and again, like little caressing waves…that will soothe you, if you check in with yourself for the answer.
There will always be people saying: “Take care of me!” “See me!” “I matter!” And they do. They are in need of love. They are often in pain. They might even throw rocks or angry looks at you.
And you will bring the right frequency, or show them what they need and are missing, by offering care to yourself. By loving yourself and honoring what you need in that moment. Because you matter.
How can you love yourself more in this situation? Just a little bit?
It is key. The key.
❤️ thank you for this today