How to write for guidance and what it can offer you. some insights and messages from guided writing
“Enjoy this life. It is fleeting in the most beautiful way, like the fragrance of a rose.”—a message from guided writing
Why might you want to dive into the mysterious realm of talking to subtle beings and receiving guidance?
Well, one reason is that they can offer you a wider perspective on things. They might see more than you do and have some words of wisdom that help you navigate your life with a little more ease and joy.
Guidance for me is a lot like written prayer. You talk about what is on your mind, what you want to know, and pour your heart out into the divine arms of the universe. Then you listen and write down what you receive.
Basically, you write what you are wondering about and you get answers. Simple as that. So if that sounds interesting to you, read on dear-human-and-beyond-human-soul.
“Allow and explore further loving yourself… This is far beyond messages or such physical things that flow through your mind. It is an ecstatic joy of soul, a worship of the divine in everything, in everyone. You are worthy of this…”— a message from guided writing
My experience is that there are many dimensions made up of different energetic frequencies. Our physical eyes see a tiny bit of the light spectrum. Other frequencies exist as well that are real, yet invisible to our eyes. That doesn’t make them imaginary. We have found other ways to realize their reality and to utilize their gifts.
I am sure, in some way, at some point in your life, you have experienced this. Maybe you have seen a subtle glow of light around something? Or sensed someone who has passed away communicate with you? Maybe you have experienced deja vu, and felt time somehow does not flow in the straight line you have been taught to believe?
If you have a prayerful practice of some kind, including talking to a plant or tree, you are interacting with the subtle realms.
After communicating in this way through guided writing for over 12 years, I have found that the messages I receive have been very trustable and useful to me. The beings I talk to have been guiding me my entire life, but it is only in the last 12 years that I have learned to talk to them in this way. It is like I am here on the ground, working on my life mission, and they are part of it and helping me remotely. They have told me so.
I have notebooks filled with their comments and teachings. We have had many discussions over the years and they have walked metaphorically beside me through many things.
There was a time I wondered if I was alone in life. But I know now that it has never been so, nor shall it ever be. I am loved, supported, and I have a team.
Maybe you would like a more conscious and tangible connection with yours? I am sure you have helpers supporting you, just like me. We all are on our own version of special missions here. We all are learning. So are our guides. They have made it clear to me that this is not about a hierarchy, with them somehow above me. We, like nature, work together, synergistically. They value me and I value them. We are all learning and accomplishing something and that something has to do with love.
Recently, I had the surprising realization that I had never asked them who they were? My mind wanted to put them into a category. My teacher Beverly had always referred to them as my “crew” and my sense was that she considered them angelic beings. But then I met another friend who felt he was guided by beings from another star system and it got me wondering?… Why had I never actually asked them? So I did.
I will include some of their response to me so you can see and feel how the messages sound that come to me. Then I will jump in and give you a few simple directions on how you can do this yourself.
The main reason I see to write for guidance is to get tangible answers to your life questions and situation. You can get information that is useful to you, caring, and often unexpected.
If you want a way to access information like that in a physical way, guided writing might be your thing. I love re-reading what they tell me.
The process itself is quite simple and the only caveat I have regards discerning who you listen to. This means that you pay attention to what channel you tune your radio station and ignore any subtle beings that try to tell you what to do or give you advice. Notice in this excerpt below from my “team” how they never do that. This is important to be aware of when you are first learning. I will talk more about that in a minute.
First, here is the sample for you from what they told me when I asked them who they were…and like any good guidance, it applies to more than just me. If it resonates for you, it is for you too.
Please also keep in mind that when I write like this, I am talking to them in my head at the same time I am listening to them. They are picking up on my thoughts and reactions to their words and answering as I write. So it might sound a little different than just writing down the words someone is saying. Really, we are both talking and you are only reading their part of our conversation.
Here you go:
…We are subtle beings dear Terra working in the subtle realms.
As you yourself have realized and spoken, it is often or yes perhaps dear one—we do not know as we are not God as you say—we only wish and desire to work in alignment with this so-called frequency that is so far beyond words or concepts there is no way to come close to depicting it that is not and never was an “it.”
Dear one, our passion, our mission, is to foster the frequencies of love and you dear one, are part of that mission.
Yes Terra, you align with this mission and so we work together with you so-to-speak. You have chosen to go into the field. We have chosen to support you. There is no hierarchy in this. That is a human thing and certainly embraced by alien species as well. But dearest, be very certain that you are deeply honored in this choice—yes, we give you the image of Frodo Baggins for like him, you have come here on a quest of sorts. Like him, you may feel alone at times. But unlike him dearest, you never are.
Our support is incorruptible.
It cannot be broken. It simply is dearest. Because that is what love does…
Your mind wants to put us in a category. Are we angels? If not, are we from the Pleiades?
Dearest we are so far beyond all of that.
Love does not exist in evolutionary hierarchies. It simply is. You can think of us as your guides for this is our purpose with you here. To offer guidance and support.
People feel alone. They are not dear one. How can anyone be alone when they swim in a sea of love? They simply, dear Terra, need to see and feel it. You are here to teach them this because yes, you know it and certainly my darling, you are reclaiming it.
We love you Dear One.
Go in peace.
Enjoy, savor the beach, the beauty, the exquisite gift of being alive. Anything else is a pull away from what matters and is truly real.
Only love Dear One, is real. Remember this. The rest you needn’t take so seriously.
Notice your mind and its lists. Then don’t worry or be hard on yourself if you make a list, but Dear Terra, as you make your list—
ask yourself if you can feel the love in it, the fun in it, the joy of it, the creativity? For these are the reasons to exist.
These are the reasons for any list.”
So, now what I am going to offer you is how to have a conversation with subtle beings yourself through writing.
First, I recommend you get a nice notebook and a pen or pencil.
When I first gave this a try, I followed the advice of John Barnes, who I was studying with at the time. I did as John suggested and used my non-dominant hand to write. This will be awkward and messy. If you have never done it, it will likely be hard. But it also, from what John said, is a nice way to access your subconscious. I found this to be true. It was the starting point that got the channel for doing this to open.
You start writing whatever comes to you with your non-dominant hand, and simply see what happens.
For me, when I began in 2012, I wrote about things that were challenging me at the time. Back then, there were a lot of them. I was in the midst of a messy divorce, had moved to a house I rented from a local psychic in Sedona with a roof that leaked in monsoon season, and was estranged from my immediate family.
The chicken scratches my non-dominant hand struggled to write formed words on the paper that matched the rawness of my state.
But that is when the magic started to happen, as I found more words came to me in answer to what I had written. I let my hand continue to write except now the words were not coming from me.
These were words that did not tell me specific things to do.
Instead, they simply offered perspective and insight. They encouraged me. They helped me see the issues I was grappling with differently.
I received guidance.
This little practice, which is where I suggest you start if you have never tried this, evolved into what I do now.
What I do now is write with my dominant hand, which is much easier.
However, opening the channel to receive guidance is counter-intuitively, facilitated by writing the hard way, with the hand you never use for writing.
But once that becomes easy for you, you can switch back to writing the way you usually do.
I like to sit down with a beautiful notebook I use for this purpose and write about what I am contemplating around life. I write my prayers, my wonderings, and anything that may be bothering me. When I feel I have said all I need to say and asked what I want, I draw a little line on the paper under my words and wait for a response. It doesn’t take long. Only a second or two.
As I “feel” answers come to me, I write them down. I don’t hear the words with my ears, so “feeling them” is the best description I have. But it is a lot like listening to someone speak. It is like they form in my awareness and I do hear them, but differently. As I perceive them, I write them down.
I don’t let my mind get involved.
Sometimes my crew has to slow down for me, to give me enough time for the writing to happen. I find that quite helpful as slowing things down helps me take the words in more easily. Also, I can reread the messages later and that too, is quite useful.
Next, ignore anything that tries to tell you what to do.
You can see from the little sample response from my guides above that they never told me what to do. They guided me. They respected my sovereignty and didn’t put themselves above me in any kind of hierarchy.
I have formed a trusting relationship with them over time because they follow my prime directive: they never tell me specifically what to do. Instead they teach me and widen my perspective.
There have been a few times I have felt something communicate with me that comes from a different place. I know the beings and words come from a different place, or radio station so-to-speak, because #1: something feels different. I trust that. I also know because #2: they have a tendency to want to tell me what to do. I know that although their intensions may be good, those subtle beings are not part of my team. They are still learning and maturing.
This kind of discernment is not as technical and out-of-reach as it may sound. It is actually quite easy to feel and decide who you choose to listen to. Remember, all of this is a choice. You can turn on your radio, or your Spotify app, or you can leave it off. Then, if you do turn it on, you choose the kind of music you want to hear. Classical or Rock? They are not the same are they? If I play one and then the other, are you going to struggle to tell the difference?
Think of your friends. They feel different don’t they? If I say “friends” you don’t glop them into some kind of oatmeal do you? You know each of your friends is unique. Each one feels different. It is exactly like that. It is as easy as that.
Just allow yourself to notice how the energy and messages feel and how you feel listening.
There should be no tension. You will receive a simple flow of information.
If the information is not coming from the beings in the frequency state I listen to, I will feel a tiny bit of discomfort. Just like when you meet someone new and you are not so sure of them yet.
Also, I am not a fan, personally, of listening to lots of different beings.
In my life here on Earth, I meet new people all the time and it is interesting to me.
But when it comes to guidance, I want consistency and trustworthiness. I want care for my well being. Once I found my “crew” in the frequency state that feels resonant for me, I stick with them and them only.
It is rare some other being will try to talk to me and when they do, I simply tell them to go away.
I get to choose who I listen to.
So do you.
“Trust yourself. This is key to everything and one of the things you have come to learn. Trust yourself and all will be well, always”—message from guided writing
And, the nice thing is that I have noticed any being I decide not to listen to will go away instantly when I tell them too. There is probably some divine rule about personal soul sovereignty at work. But that is an intuitive guess on my part. The key take away for you is that you are in charge so there is nothing to be afraid of. “Go away” works just fine.
Also, your intention matters. I always intend to interact with beings who are aligned with frequencies of love. I didn’t think that through when I started. I didn’t sit and close my eyes in the beginning before picking up my pencil in my “wrong” hand the first time. I think that intention just came naturally to me. But it doesn’t hurt to put it into words or to point it out to you here.
Set an intention to interact with beings who are aligned with frequencies of love and in a high frequency state themselves.
The last little tip on how I have done this, is that sometimes now, I don’t write any questions or personal musings. Sometimes, I simply pick up my pencil and start listening. And I write what they say. They teach me things. I appreciate that.
I don’t have to have a “thing” to talk about or wonder about for them to talk to me. I think that helped in the beginning when I picked up my pencil the first time. But once the channel is open, you can just listen and write what comes. That feels kind of soothing doesn’t it?
Remember, I am talking about guidance here and not subtle beings trying to direct your actions and tell you specifically what to do. I am talking about subtle beings interested in teaching who want you captain your own ship.
And just so you know, it is possible to let guidance in even when you don’t have a notebook in front of you. Sometimes I do listen and talk to them while walking.
But there is something special and magical about writing things down. I think it goes in a little more deeply and I like going back and reading it again.
I hope you get a notebook you love. It could be old, tattered, and mangy. But as long as you like it, it will be perfect.
So, if you choose, you can open the door and see what comes. Remember, you are in charge. They are here to do what my coach, Alex, just texted to me as I was composing this to you:
“My ultimate goal in mentoring and coaching is to support people to connect deeper within themselves.”—@AlexButa
Connecting deeper to yourself is what this is all about. It is about you becoming your own unique, ever-changing version of a butterfly
And remember:
“There will always be those who criticize you. This is the way of the world. They see their discomfort and pain as caused by something outside themselves…—It is (about) loving yourself even when others do not or do not seem to. It is learning dearest, to be ok with that. ” —message from guided writing
What an awesome way to communicate with your guides Terra! I have read elsewhere about using your non dominant hand to help establish communication between the two sides of your brain. Makes sense it would help get in touch with your subconscious and guides as well.
You reminded me as well of some lines from one of my favorite bands, Love & Rockets.
“Live the life you love,
Kiss the God you trust,
And don’t take it all too seriously. “ From the album Seventh Dream of Teenage Heaven…excellent album. Thank you for sharing Terra! 💖
I love this piece, Terra!
Thank you for sharing and for your guidance.
Sending you love, sister....xox