Why Do Anything?
An invitation to join me in a blogging adventure about becoming a butterfly that includes tips, hand-holding, some fluttering, moments of indigestion, humor, adventure and fun
There is a nudge that keeps nudging you.
I am here, at my keyboard, at 5:30am in the morning, writing to you, yes, you,…because I have been feeling the nudge to put myself out in a way that might, maybe, just a tiny bit, be helpful to you and other people. And despite what some people will say or like to think, I am not writing to simply process my issues, blow my own horn, get on or off my high horse, or make money.
It is ok to do things because they are fun.
I am writing this today, and future things, because it is fun, because it is also my art that I find accessible to create, and because I do it despite myself. If I am not writing to you here, I am often writing to you in my head. And until now, I have held back.
Sometimes, the risky thing is safer than playing it safe.
I am sure you know that feeling, of peering over a metaphorical cliff of something new, and thinking about it. Thinking about if you can jump, and if you really want to? Or if you will do what feels safe. You might be wondering about your relationship, or your job, or moving. You might be wondering about that thing, that thing that you feel a nudge towards and it seems so daunting, terrifying even.
Often in my experience, the jump off the cliff is actually safer in the long run, but that is a future topic that requires more depth, a topic that weaves through what I will be posting here for you, in various scents and threads for you to follow and enjoy or set aside as you see fit. Maybe you will consider it though, that thought, a tiny bit right now…the jump off the metaphorical cliff in front of you and whether you want to or not? Maybe it will percolate in you a bit.
Because something has sent you here to my writing and that something, for sure, is in the process of change and transformation. I write for people like that. People peering over cliffs or people who have jumped off one and are falling. Is that you?
You do it because you care.
Mostly, I realize I am writing to you because I care. I care about you, person-who-I-have-perhaps-never-met, or friend-or-challenging-person-that-I-have. Something in me feels that you matter, that I matter, and that we are all, in some way or ways, connected. And that something in me feels I am here for a reason and one reason is to help myself grow and to help this planet and everything on and part of it in some way. You. And me. Because when I read things I have written to you, I feel like I am reading things that are surprisingly helpful to me. But that again, is another topic.
What should you expect here?
So, what should you expect if you decide to spend your very valuable time with me, as we hold hands together and go on little adventures?
You can expect writing that feels like a journey and sometimes wanders a bit.
One thing you can expect from me is that I wander a bit. I feel we live in an energetic field and things come to me, and I say them, or I write them. I try not to wander too much and I have found that if they come to me, they matter.
When I was getting one of my many certifications, this time in Chi Gong energy healing, my Grand Master teacher and my getting-certified-next-to-me-too friend both commented on my style of energy work with my recently departed client (no he didn’t die). They told me I was a lot like the painter, Salvadore Dali. Now, you may or may not know what his work looks like. I was slightly confused and considered feeling insulted when one of his images appeared in my mind. The image was of a melted clock face flowing over the edge of a cliff. Salvador Dali painted things that looked like they came out of strange dreams.
You can take a breath as I won’t be writing about melting clocks. But sometimes I will wander a bit and it might seem random, but it is not. It is a thread and for some reason, I feel it matters to you or someone reading.
You can expect some short, to-the-point things.
Sometimes, I will write in ways some people like. Little packaged ways. Those list-ways of five or ten things that will allow you to accomplish something. That kind of writing gets likes and views. That kind of writing is what many people want. People who in my mind, are desperately seeking salvation from something. I get that. Sometimes I am like that. Sometimes I will send a little life-preserver post like that.
You will get posts about transforming, the process of that…and things to help you with it.
But mostly I will write images and stories that I think might help some people, maybe you, who realize they are transforming. Transforming into something beautiful. And it is hard. Sometimes it is excruciating. Sometimes it is amazing, ecstatic even. And sometimes it doesn’t feel beautiful at all. That is ok. It is part of the process, our process, and your process. You are not alone.
The subtle realms and energy are real. That is my experience and I will write about things having to do with them. Be ready.
I will be writing about what I see, feel, learn, contemplate or feel I know at that moment (which can change). That means, my writing will include the unseen.
I realize that pretty much anyone I have studied with that I found very interesting and often helpful would be called crazy in some circles. That is because I like to learn about things you can’t touch or see such as emotions, relationships, energy, subtle beings, angels, guides, sometimes people who have died, and plant-talking.
My chi gong teacher mentioned she would be diagnosed as schizophrenic. I believe she is correct. Because she could see and talk to subtle beings. That doesn’t mean she is crazy. What it does mean is that so-called rational people like to label any people who are threatening to their sense of reality as crazy. Perhaps this has happened to you or perhaps you have wondered at times if you are crazy, when you feel that little angel wing pass by or you find yourself talking to your plant in whispers when no one is watching? Well, I am crazy too, like that.
Likely, what you want to do will feel both risky and pushy.
When I put my words out for you to read, it feels risky. They will come from me in one frequency, one tone, because we are all musical instruments in a way I believe. And you will hear them, as they flow from me to you, differently. Because you are a unique musical note. Every single person that reads anything I write, or hears me say anything, will take it in uniquely and differently.
What you create in the world will be the same. It can be challenging if you want people to “get it” the way you do. Trust me, they won’t. And that is a good thing. You are unique and so am I. Your work and mine, will land in people differently than it comes from us. It doesn’t matter how many communication practices you have or how many rules you use, they will never hear or feel what you put out exactly as you say or mean. You can take a breath about that because the process of sending and receiving can be transformational, fun, and messages can land beautifully. Just don’t expect a formula that will make people feel exactly what you feel or see exactly what you see.
I have had to learn that.
It makes saying anything feel a bit risky. And that’s ok. Someone recently told me that we are not here to be safe or to play it safe. That feels true to me.
What you are here to do will likely feel pushy.
Writing is one thing I am here to do and it feels pushy. When I lean towards writing to you, I find myself writing in my head, frequently when I am away from my keyboard. The words that come to me often feel wonderful and fly away, like butterflies. Often never making it to these keys. But I trust the energy does, perhaps simply in a different package. And it happens often enough that the impulse to write keeps pushing me to do it, relentlessly. Whatever you are here to do is probably a bit pushy too, even if you don’t know what it is yet. Maybe we will discover it together?
You trust the process and then you let it flow big, into the world.
My parents have a cat, a both demanding and a holding-herself-back cat that pads up and down the hallway. She makes the strangest half-choked cat-sound to let everyone know she is hungry. Her voice is a bit caught somewhere and it doesn’t flow out. It is enough, and also lacking in a way. I want to hear her express a full-throated cat-cry that makes people fly up out of bed in the morning to feed her.
I want to write to you like that, with a heartfelt flow of words, images, and energy that flows fully from me to you and back again (because things do go back and forth, even if we have never met and you are simply reading the keystrokes of a stranger: me).
You find your voice, and you let it rip, even when you might be a little or a lot afraid of what can happen.
I realize I have been like that cat about offering my gifts and I don’t want to be that way anymore.
And this step off the cliff of publishing this blog has been a slow one. I started writing to you last December, but the technical part of setting up a blog and actually posting…well, I have been peering over the edge of the cliff, turning away and writing something, looking at the cliff, turning away and writing something else, and looking at the cliff…until now. Now I am jumping.
It is never too late.
And I will post the December post, even though it is not December anymore, and we will go from there. Because it is not too late. The time has not passed too much.
I know you have cliffs like that where your mind tells you it is too late, too much time has passed, and various other reasons your mind will tell you to play it safe. Except your mind’s version of safe is often not safe at all and is simply familiar (just saying).
So, let’s hold hands and jump together.
I will do my best to inspire you, or at least let you know you are not alone. Maybe, for a few moments, you will be in another world with me and we will experience something together. Like a dream. Except that dreams and experiences matter more than we think because as I alluded to above, energy is real.
You can enjoy this blog if you are unsure about that. That’s ok. Maybe you are simply curious and intrigued? Maybe you think you have no capacity to experience or feel energy (come along with me so I can prove you wrong; it will be fun!).
How often do I intend to do this thing? How often do you want to do your thing?
My current plan is to send something out to you once a week, maybe more sometimes.
What do you need to do?
Well, you don’t need or have to do anything. But if you want to play and explore with me, it is free. Just subscribe, add this email to your contact list: becomingabutterfly@substack.com, and look at this link if you need more hand-holding (I get it, the technical stuff can feel so daunting). Hopefully though, you simply hit the subscribe button and once a week, about, you will hear from me. For free. Because that feels best to me.
What about money?
Well, money matters. Especially if you are jumping off your own cliff and you want to monetize things. I am still learning about this. For now, with this blog, there is a button where you can pay for it if you feel it helps you and you want to support me in that way.
Eventually, I have some ideas I will offer for people who do decide to pay a little something.
But my plan is always to offer the main gist of what comes to me to everyone. For free. And if you find it easeful and it feels good to you, then for sure, you can pay me. Thank you. Energy received and appreciated.
And you are welcome here either way. Because you matter. Just like me.
Ok, lets go!