How do I live in a higher frequency state than the field around me? How do I really feel trust, care, ease, and enjoy my day?
This is what I know so far:
All you need do is find your joy.
Feel your flow.
Trust yourself.
Live in as much ease as you can and see the woundedness around you with love and compassion. This in turn allows you to see and hold the wounds you have come to bear similarly.
This is Grace.
This is Love.
It transforms everything and there is no effort in it.
There is simply allowing, with care and compassion.
Allow the beauty of who you are to be seen and held my darling and your life will change, continue to change, in the most dramatic way.
—a message from Guided Writing
So, now let’s dive in further to answering the question in the title:
How do I live in a higher frequency state than the field around me? How do I really feel trust, care, ease, and enjoy my day?
The message above certainly helps.
Here’s what else I’ve got from what I know so far:
#1: We all exist in an interconnected field of energy.
I consider the basis of this field of energy to be a matrix of love that I will call God. But both that state of love and sense of God are beyond my capacity to hold at this point.
I know that because as I sat on a stool in my casita contemplating the divine while staring at a beautiful image on the wall that felt connected to St. Germain, the white lines on the image became more pronounced and I felt myself drawn towards an intensity of light I had never experienced.
I began to feel light headed and I was worried I might faint.
I told God it was too much and I went to lie down.
I have words for God, and I think a true experience might be simply too much for my physical, and possibly energetic form to hold.
And that’s a beautiful thing isn’t it?
It is good that God is that exquisite and both beyond and permeating what I will call these frequencies of reality.
So, here’s the thing:
You know when you hang out with people you likely feel one of two ways. You feel lighter, happier, seen and felt. Or you feel like something doesn’t feel right. You feel fear, weakness in your body, and perhaps a sense of danger in saying the “wrong” thing or doing the “wrong” thing.
Which has led me to wonder about my energetic state in relation to the state of those around me.
For years, I have been exploring the unseen field of energy with my friend, Sandra. We discuss challenging events in our lives or things we are curious about. And when we are together, I feel the energetic state shift.
This is very related to family constellation work, if you have ever experienced that.
Let’s pretend the energetic field around you is something you can see. If that is the case, you can bring up an event in your life from the past or present, and all the energy tied to it arises like a soup around you that you are swimming in. Then you can explore the soup. You can step into the role of that person that challenges you and feel things from their place in the soup. You can see things from their viewpoint.
Now right away, I feel an objection I recently heard from a friend.
“Well, Terra, we can’t really KNOW what anyone is thinking or experiencing. Your sense of things are always only based on assumption.”
I contrast this with what my Grand Master Chi Gong teacher kept trying to drill into my brain. She said it clear and simple:
“Trust what you get.”
“Trust what you get, Terra.” If something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t. If you have a tiny nudge of discomfort, even if your brain says you shouldn’t, trust the nudge.
I know you know what I mean.
You wouldn’t be reading or following me if you had not been through some difficult things and been willing to explore them.
You would not be following me if you were not also, sensitive.
Maybe some of us are born that way. And maybe we learn to be even more sensitive in order to navigate challenges we have when we are young.
I imagine it is probably both.
A friend recently told me to go ahead and plant trees on some land I have here.
“They’re not expensive Terra. And the ones that survive the dry season are the strong ones. Those are the ones you want. Just get them in while it is still raining, so they can get a good start.”
Maybe you and I are like trees? And maybe we have survived more than one dry season.
I think this is the case.
I also believe we are very sensitive and intuitive and that your sensitivity and mine, is trustable.
#2: Trust your intuition; trust what you “get”.
Sure, what we see and feel is filtered through our experiences and we can become more clear in what we see and feel as we grow.
But we are still sensing things and the process of learning to do it better and better, and more and more accurately, is to go ahead and “trust what you get.”
The person who recently told me like it was fact, that I did not know something I sensed, was troubled about something. She was telling a story about it and I could feel the minefield in her words.
I could feel that if I made the “wrong” comment, I might get some anger directed my way.
I could feel and see her view of the situation and also knew the viewpoint of the person with whom she was upset.
Was it my issue?
Was it mine to solve?
Was I there to have frustration or anger sent my way?
“Trust what you get.”
I waited and let her speak about it. I felt how hard it had been for her. I mentioned one thing I thought might have helped.
“Of course, I already did that,” she said.
“Trust what you get.”
What I got was to stay quiet and my attempt to suggest something went as poorly as expected.
So, I think staying mostly quiet was a good idea. We eventually moved on to discussing other topics. And again, I felt when I was comfortable speaking and when I was listening to someone’s version of unquestionable truth.
Unquestionable truth is kind of hard to do much with.
I have heard people say they want more freedom of speech. They want to listen to other opinions. And they also have a sense of unquestionable truth at the same time.
When you talk to people like that, they usually are just waiting for you to finish so they can tell you how it is.
Now, all of that is a lot isn’t it?
Don’t you sometimes get tired of swimming in the soup?
Sometimes, I want to be around people and feel free of the frequency states they bring.
So, I have been wondering about that.
Every week, for years now, Sandra and I meet and we dive into soup and explore things. We feel things from the perspective of different people. Sometimes, we stand in for each other’s family members and explore things while including their perspective.
I could say that that is impossible.
I could say that there is no way I could know what Sandra’s deceased mother would say to her five year old self in a certain situation.
Except when the words and sensations come to me and I share them with her, they are correct, again and again.
And if something doesn’t feel “right” in what comes to us to say, we explore that too. It is a way to sift through the soup and find some kind of truth in it and in the end, welcome a new state or way of being that is more clear and clean.
We work together to evolve frequencies into a higher state of love. And that is what I believe I am here to do as well.
So, I have become quite curious about how to handle myself around people in a new way. Sometimes, I feel like I show up with someone and suddenly I am immersed in soup I was not expecting and did not order. Sometimes, it feels like they are shooting it at me with a firehose.
This is interesting.
#3: It helps to find things interesting.
When you do, you are less immersed and at the mercy of what you are curious about.
So, let’s go back to Sandra and I and our weekly immersion in some version of soup.
For years, I often find myself exploring feelings and states that are unpleasant.
I have been fine with this as I am interested in evolving those places.
But I also find I have a desire to get somewhere in our time together. I want to find the solution to those states.
Usually, something happens and I find a way to experience things from a new energetic frequency.
But what if I don’t have to swim in soup so much?
That is what I am starting to wonder about.
On our last call, we discussed things that had to do with family, houses, and root chakra issues.
There is a condo here that I have had my eye on for over a year. It is not finished yet and it is very beautiful. It is more beautiful than anything I ever imagined living in.
Recently the possibility of owning it came a little closer and I went to go look at it again.
Instead of seeing the shining jewel I visited a month before, the quality, the stunning view, the lovely statues or the message painted on the entrance gate suggesting I imagine myself there, I saw two cell phone towers nearby. I worried if there might be lights from adjacent properties as well that would shine at night and trouble me.
All I could see were potential problems.
“You don’t look as excited as you did before,” said my friend.
And I wasn’t.
But I knew it wasn’t about the condo.
It was about the soup I was in.
I have bought one car, one duplex, and one piece of land as an adult on my own (meaning I hired people to help me and I was the one who made the decision and financial commitment).
Every time, I was nervous and I questioned myself and my decision.
Here I was doing it again.
Why couldn’t I have the gift that was sitting in front of me?
Why couldn’t I allow the experience to unfold as I wished.
I already had found artwork for the wall.
The universe was slowly, gently, granting my wishes.
So, why did it have to feel so hard?
I called a builder I know. He told me it would be terrible. Anything near the ocean is terrible he said. The salt destroys everything. Windows…well, they soon get so destroyed you feel like you have cataracts on your eyes.
“But what about all the people with houses on the ocean in California?” I said. (We are both from California).
“Well, people with millions of dollars don’t care,” he said. “Besides, the ocean here is different. There is more salt in that mist that comes off the waves. It deteriorates ROCKS,” he said. “Just imagine what it does to windows then.”
Here along the coast in El Salvador, there are lots of condos going up, right on the beach. And some people will be living in them.
All of that is what I presented to Sandra when we met. She included an issue with a plumber and her floor heater, which was not working.
The soup didn’t feel good. And I didn’t want to be in that energetic field.
But we both already were. We were just bringing in the situations so we could see if there was something different we could do, that would change the frequency of it all.
Typically, the “something” comes at the end of our call. I hope for that moment where the energy magically shifts and I can feel the place I want to embody. It is almost like a finish line that I want to reach before our time together ends.
But now I am wondering why do we have to swim so long in so many ways?
I am wondering if when I feel myself in these soupy situations, I can find a way to shift out of it more quickly.
I am going to tell you what shifted it on our call. But I think this can be applied to lots of things in life. I want to explore being more proactive about shifting things like this.
When I said, “This house is being built for me,” all the tangled, fearful, frozen, uncomfortable energy shifted. I could see the beauty of the place again.
Similar phrases do the same thing.
“I want quality.”
That is true. I don’t feel I need to live in a mansion, but quality really matters to me. In my eventual home base on this planet, I want a comfortable bed. I want hot water. I want kitchen cabinets with drawers that glide in and out.
During our call, the plumber called my friend. She read the message he left to me. It was clear. He was offering help and care.
Sandra’s phrase that shifted everything:
“The plumber is here to help me.”
These are simple sentences aren’t they?
I imagine it would be easy to discount this and say, “Well Terra, what does this have to do with me?”
And I would say, “What do you want?”
I would say, “Keep it simple.”
#4: Ask the energy field for what you want and keep it simple (no justification, no reasoning, no excuses).
You see, when I tried that phrase above and added other things, it didn’t work to get me out of the soup. It felt a little off.
If I said, “I want quality….” and then started to tell you why like this: “but I don’t need a big place; I need to be able to afford it; it is hard for me to ask for…” the energy just doesn’t work to shift into a soup-free frequency state.
Simple, direct, and clear is key.
We have been taught we have to justify what we want and need.
“Mom, my sister got one so I should too…” vs.
“Mom, I would really like one of those.”
It’s different.
It is strange to think that you are allowed to both want and have things in this world. We are taught it all has to be a struggle. We grow up with schedules and lists. We are pummeled with the need to have an “audience” or be known in some way to matter.
But if we live in a sea of divine energy that loves us, maybe it is ok to really allow a day to flow?
And when things don’t go the way your or my mind expects or thinks they should, to be ok with that too.
To know that this life is happening for us and not to us.
I want a beautiful place to live that feels like quality.
I love quality things.
I want a relationship where I feel seen and valued for who I am. Where there is a lot of care and compassion.
I want to enjoy this day.
I want to feel that a day of writing, studying Spanish, practicing yoga, reading books I like, and eating food I find energizing, is just fine. That there is not something I am not doing enough of.
This morning, I woke up to the sound of the Spanish news. The workers here decided to turn on the radio early, at 6:30 am. Usually they play music that sounds like a fiesta. This sounded like US propaganda in a different language.
I looked out the window and saw them all sitting enjoying their breakfast. The radio was behind my bedroom wall, about 30 yards away from them.
I texted Selvin, who is the head builder here.
“Good morning. The radio is a little loud for me this early.”
The old me, that learned to swim in soup, wanted to make excuses.
The old me, who was leaving soon after to meditate on the beach, thought of sending another text saying I would be out for an hour… Meaning they could turn that news right back on.
But the new me could feel that would be sticky.
I don’t need to say anything else. I don’t need to feel guilty or wrong.
I just need to express my needs and let them do as they wish.
Then I will choose accordingly.
Selvin responded immediately. Spanish early morning news was turned off with “a thousand apologies.”
And that’s fine.
Expressing your needs doesn’t mean you have to fight with people or be feisty. I think often people resort to that as a habit and skip the simple thing.
But then we choose accordingly. Some people just can’t take things in. Some people won’t hear you or respect your boundaries.
But you can.
And that, is so key.
Here is another aspect of all of this.
#5: Feel yourself receiving what you want.
We have talked about feeling what you want and letting that be ok, without justification or excuses (it is actually an interesting exercise to do this and name things you want, super simply).
But the other part has to do with other people.
Maybe people you care about.
One such person in my life was talking to me recently. She was angry at her partner. “He never shows me any care. You know when someone hugs you and they mean it? He doesn’t do that! So I have told him. I have yelled at him lately about things he has been doing. And I told him, that I would like just a pat on the head! Just a pat on the head!!!!”
Now, if you were on the receiving end of that, would you show up with a caring, loving touch for the person who is unhappy with you and pointing out your faults?
I imagine not.
If I rephrased all that it might sound something like this:
“I need care. I need loving touch.”
There is an opening to receive in those words.
Many times, our energetic channels are clogged. Or scarred. You know how scar tissue is in the body? You can have a scar on one place and the fascial system connected to it can spread like a spider web to other parts and cause you pain in distant areas.
Scar tissue is troubling.
But the physical changes more slowly than the energetic. Energy comes first, then the physical world reflects the change. So this energetic scar tissue is much quicker to melt and dissolve than similar physical tissue.
#6: Love yourself and love the places you find where you are in pain.
The key though, is to love yourself. To love the places in yourself that are in pain. The channels that don’t want to allow care, or abundance into your life.
My family member, is in the middle of a really challenging opportunity. They want care. But they have to also be able to receive it. So those channels have to be cleared. There has to be some vulnerability and that can be scary. Terrifying even.
One has to shift from showing up like a porcupine with quills out (for good reason based on past experiences) to showing up softly with a request. Then knowing that if the request is not filled, you can find another way. You can love yourself. You can take in care in other ways, from other people and really feel and savor it when it happens. All that melts energetic scar tissue. But it is not necessarily easy to change. The act of doing it is not hard. But to do it?
Well, it is like what a dear friend told me when I called them worried about some addictive behavior in someone I loved. This dear friend has been through a lot and has recovered. They are clean when I never thought they would make it. So I knew they were the one to call to tell me what I already knew. And they did. I already knew this and it helps me to hear it again, because I can rebel against it.
The reminder was:
“They have to want it.”
People have to be ready. They have to want to change. Sometimes, they are not done swimming in the soup. That is between them and God. Sometimes I can forget and want really, really badly for them to find their way out. I want to hand them a plate so full of healing modalities, they would likely throw up if they tried to eat it all.
But none of that matters or is helpful.
Because the most important key is this:
“They have to want it.”
And if they don’t, I need to respect that and respect the pace of their own journey. Who am I to “know better” or to force. You and I are here to walk our own path and to change the world by simple osmosis. You don’t have to be famous. You don’t have to be outwardly anything. You just have to be you, becoming the butterfly you are, and people will feel it. When they are ready, you vibrate the answer, just like the wisdom beaming out of my recovered friend’s eyes. You beam the answer and you live it.
That’s what you and I are doing here, exploring together.
Here is another exercise I experimented with in relation to financial abundance.
For years, I lived in fear of spending “too much” whatever that means. Of not having “enough”. I grew up with a person who worried a lot about money. Then I married one.
So, my energetic channels when it came to ease and abundance around money were pretty blocked.
I read the book, Happy Money, three times and it helped tremendously.
I started feeling energy when I paid people for things in a positive way. I felt the money like it was a blessing or a gift flowing from me to them.
But the biggest thing I did I think, was I would sit in the mornings at the beach and feel these words. I didn’t just say them. I felt them. I think this is key to everything.
The words I said were: “I am worthy of money.”
That’s it.
There was so much scar tissue in me.
But I truly think those words and feeling them, just started to melt those scarred places and they melted quickly.
Sure, this is still a process for me. An ongoing process.
But things are changing.
An investment I thought would never be worth anything suddenly paid off.
I spend more than I used to and I am pretty ok with that (still a work in progress, but much more ok than I used to be).
This morning I met a man on the beach. He remembered me, which I found touching as we have only met a few times.
I talked to him about real estate here. I talked to him about the new house he had just built and asked how hard it was to clean glass windows near the beach.
And at one point he looked at me and said, “You know, I am not going to be here forever and I want to enjoy my money. Sure I want to take care of my kids. But I also want to leave them with happy memories.”
He mentioned friends who went into debt buying expensive houses and cars. He wasn’t talking about that.
He was just telling me not to be afraid to enjoy life and to live abundantly.
I told him I like to remember that this could be my last day.
It helps me keep things simple and clean.
It helps me with my priorities.
These Tarot cards I drew seem resonant with this post, and perhaps will speak to you as well.
I see the first card as embracing your joy. As above, so below. She holds both in balance, the Earthly and the energetic, more etherial realms. One foot is firmly planted on the Earth, but at the same time she dances with joy. Balance this realm with others. Live in joy, not bound to either, but balancing both while here in the body. Lift your heart to God and allow Grace and blessings to flow to you. Allow yourself to receive.
Middle card: listen to your intuition and all the nuances of frequencies you sense. They are a rainbow hue, each with different flavors and colors. Trust yourself and let your intuition lead you forward in life. It guides you like an owl, softly and silently through the world…unseen, yet powerful. Your prayers surround you like blessings on the wind. The light of the divine is available to you, simply allow and listen.
Last card: the scarred places are changing. Death is part of the process of life. As you do the first two things, connect to God above and below, live your joy, allow yourself to receive the blessings that rain towards you, listen to your intuition and divine guidance… energetic scar tissue will dissolve and reform, back into the substance from which it was made. Death and rebirth are part of the process of remaking yourself anew.
Beautiful; thank you!
With regard to choosing the right words, have you come across Marshall Rosenberg? His way of thinking about communication revolutionised my thinking.
If you're interested, here's a great talk:
Really great post, thank you.