Thank you for sharing this Terra. You shared this on my birthday! It’s important to give ourselves permission to feel and witness the range of emotions we experience. Some of them may be from the past and others will be new experiences we are processing and contemplating. It’s important to prune regularly. Let go and welcome 🙏🏽

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Happy Birthday! Thanks for reading. I hope things are going well!

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Thank you for sharing your awesome pelican permeability touchstone tool for maintaining alignment and presence connected to breath, and for the gorgeous photos! I especially love the poppies in that gorgeous green garden. I love your depth of compassion with Charlie. Allowing others to have views and beliefs different from ours while seeking to understand them, and to look for the good intentions they hold behind them is true unconditional love. Sending you love, my sister!! xox

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Thank you so much Jacqueline. The technique is helping me and of course anyone can choose animals or images that work for them. I am imagining what yours might be and you are so creative and attuned I realize I have no idea and the surprise and mystery I feel in that is delightful. It is funny that for me, pelicans and lizards are the bees knees 😉. It is tough out there and there is so much energy towards encouraging people to fight with one another. I certainly will stand up for what I believe as best I can…but I like to think we can change the world without trying to force things on others. And for sure, I do not always succeed…it is a practice like life ❤️.

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You're so welcome!

My touchstones are mostly in the form of mantras like the one you mention in this article "things are happening for me- not to me" and "things are always working out for me"....because they ARE!

It is definitely a practice...until eventually it's simply who we BEE (ha!).

Have a beauty day down there, my sister! ❤️

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Thank you!

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