Loved, supported, held. Becoming a butterfly. Bless you. 🙏❤️

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That is my homework in three words (great summary). I stand or sit on lava rock by the ocean and do that. Feel that. As best I can. Seems helpful 😉. My day unfolded well after—. ❤️🌈❤️Thanks Jamie,

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I loved this piece!

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Wow. Thank you Alicia. That means a lot to me. Bug hug from El Salvador to you. Thank you for reading!

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I loved everything about it! And you.

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Thanks Alicia!

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Another satisfying dose of my weekly Terra update. Great story.

I love the photos you are regularly posting, of you and your newfound sacred items that magically

align with your butterfly theme...!

Sending you love, my beautiful sister! xo

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Bless you. It feel good to know that my late night crafting is going ok despite my desire to spend many days refining things. Sometimes, many times, it feels like the everything coalesces at the end of the week for me. My update is that things have smoothed out with my lodging here and I am set until January. The boundary issues seems resolved and my log is not longer feeling tossed in the sea. I stood on the lava rock and felt how loved I was this morning for quite some time. I think that helped. I hope all is flowing for you my dear, artistic, musical friend.

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Awesome, Terra....so much flow. Love you, my sister! xox

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Self love, the key to everything! You are so right! I’ve lived this lesson, and I still finding ways to embrace myself. Thank you Terra 🤗💖✨🙏

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I am incredibly honored you read my musings and current practices. It is a process for sure. And it feels like a form of devotion doesn't it? For if we are divine and loved and a part of God, it seems good to love the product! I am grateful for your contributions here as well.

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Because the lessons of self love should be taught to us when we are young enough to embrace and live by them. As Stephen R Covey writes in "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" we are taught that we must be what other want us to be - the Personality Ethic - rather than to celebrate who we truly are - the Character Ethic. He also wrote that Inner Success Precedes Outer Success. Good book, that...🤓

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Thanks Elliot. You seem very well read! Yes...taught and felt...as teaching goes into the mind and feeling things seems to go into my soul somehow. Both are so important and impactful and dance so beautifully together.

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