Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy your writing (and reading). Last summer I started to get back a lot of repressed memories, and have spent a lot of time unpacking them. I have contemplated what you spoke of - if I would go back. If I could change things. I used to think I absolutely would, but I've realized recently that I wouldn't because so much learning and growth has taken place since then, I wouldn't exchange it. My life is much more beautiful because the trajectory went this way, and I'm so grateful.
Thank you for your kind words Sarah. That is a lot to work with and go through and a beautiful perspective you have come to. I remember when my family was worried about repressed memories they felt I had found that the considered false. I realized if something arises for me, it is affecting me and I work with it, which it sounds like you are doing beautifully. I had an image come to me during my silent meditation retreat and I didn't know if what I saw happened. Memories before the age of three I think, get stored differently and don't land where long term memory is stored. But I realized I could work with it regardless and offer myself, my young self, understanding and care. And I have grown from it all. I am still learning how to grow further. I recently realized I was holding resentment and blame with some anger mixed in which definitely hasn't been serving me. So I am working with that edge. It is all such a process but an unfolding and beautiful one as it all leads to more love and capacity for compassion and care. Especially for oneself, which I feel is quite key.
Thanks Jamie! Happy Thanksgiving. I would never go back to who I was…and physically, I am in California today…back in the state where I was born, in the house my parents built. And I will be happy to return to El Salvador and the uncertainty of the unfolding carpet of my life there. I am excited to watch your unfolding journey and to read your upcoming book.
Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy your writing (and reading). Last summer I started to get back a lot of repressed memories, and have spent a lot of time unpacking them. I have contemplated what you spoke of - if I would go back. If I could change things. I used to think I absolutely would, but I've realized recently that I wouldn't because so much learning and growth has taken place since then, I wouldn't exchange it. My life is much more beautiful because the trajectory went this way, and I'm so grateful.
Thank you for your kind words Sarah. That is a lot to work with and go through and a beautiful perspective you have come to. I remember when my family was worried about repressed memories they felt I had found that the considered false. I realized if something arises for me, it is affecting me and I work with it, which it sounds like you are doing beautifully. I had an image come to me during my silent meditation retreat and I didn't know if what I saw happened. Memories before the age of three I think, get stored differently and don't land where long term memory is stored. But I realized I could work with it regardless and offer myself, my young self, understanding and care. And I have grown from it all. I am still learning how to grow further. I recently realized I was holding resentment and blame with some anger mixed in which definitely hasn't been serving me. So I am working with that edge. It is all such a process but an unfolding and beautiful one as it all leads to more love and capacity for compassion and care. Especially for oneself, which I feel is quite key.
Thanks for sharing! It’s always hard to know if we could go back -would we really? Safe travels. 🙏❤️
Thanks Jamie! Happy Thanksgiving. I would never go back to who I was…and physically, I am in California today…back in the state where I was born, in the house my parents built. And I will be happy to return to El Salvador and the uncertainty of the unfolding carpet of my life there. I am excited to watch your unfolding journey and to read your upcoming book.
Happy Thanksgiving!