“Maybe you feel that little guitar string of beauty humming in your heart or maybe you see it in someone else and allow theirs to hum, by simply offering your presence, care, and listening?”
Beautiful! I love everything you’ve written here. Thank you for expressing it all! ✨
THIS is how I’ve been spending time with those I love who have a very different level of awareness about the world than I. By embodying love, we build the bridge of connection. I no longer need to be right, and to fight them into agreeing with me or viewing the world through my eyes.
And I’ve never felt more peaceful- more who I really am. ❤️
Oh Jacqueline, that is so lovely. How beautiful that you have felt peaceful and more of your true self. It sounds like your guitar strings are singing.
“Maybe you feel that little guitar string of beauty humming in your heart or maybe you see it in someone else and allow theirs to hum, by simply offering your presence, care, and listening?”
Beautiful! I love everything you’ve written here. Thank you for expressing it all! ✨
THIS is how I’ve been spending time with those I love who have a very different level of awareness about the world than I. By embodying love, we build the bridge of connection. I no longer need to be right, and to fight them into agreeing with me or viewing the world through my eyes.
And I’ve never felt more peaceful- more who I really am. ❤️
Oh Jacqueline, that is so lovely. How beautiful that you have felt peaceful and more of your true self. It sounds like your guitar strings are singing.