Thank you Jacqueline. Yes, so true. And interestingly there is a lot around saying no to things that don’t resonate. I feel opportunities to do that are coming in to give me practice along with an exquisite amount of things I am so happy to feel and receive. It is an interesting practice and exploration. Despite the triggered states I flow through, I am finding the whole process rather interesting and fun.
Thank you so much. Yes. Well, the journey is interesting for all of us. It is a good way to approach one's life...with curiosity and interest. The love is coming in and I am learning that saying "no" energetically to the frequency of energy I do not want to participate in, feels quite powerful for getting more of what I do want. I had another situation happen last night that just resolved this morning. I used the same energetic technique on the beach and ended up with the help and care I wanted. I hope we all get the Love we Seek :-).
I just stumbled upon your work and appreciate your insights and your struggles. I too have BLOCKS around money and a scarcity mindset.. I am working with my Accupressure friend (who I gladly pay) and working towards an abundant life~and exploring how deep my previous programming came from. Generations of struggles ~with my mother and grandmother trying to protect and provide for their children, I know I inherited some of that, and also hustling to provide for my own children when my ex was is a tool, and I am learning to see how blessed and rich I am.
Thanks Suzy. And we can change these things. It is happening. Just like the way you pay your acupuncturist…the good feeling of that. Money is a small word for a lot of frequencies. It can be joy, obligation and guilt, fear, abundance. It is so good to dive into it consciously rather than simply replaying the note we learned to play. Best wishes with your journey around this. I will write more on it. Magic has been happening as I change my response and I also notice some similar situations appear from the past…that have to do with mi money and fear…and I feel that is happening as the energy moves out of me. It is also an opportunity to notice and see if I can respond differently. All of this can be hard and also it makes life more of an interesting adventure. I don’t think we have to be stuck in anything!
Thank you for sharing your journey, Terra. Having been on that roller coaster (some decades ago), and found my beloved + received many other unexpected gifts, I'm cheering you on!!
It's well worth it. Saying a firm and clear 'NO' to things that don't resonate is definitely a good strategy. And 'falling in love with yourself' (as Jacqueline said) is essential. The hard (and fun) part is to figure out what those things exactly mean... 💕 🦋
Yes! What those things actually mean is interesting. For me, it is about exploring those words that came to me about feeling and allowing love into my system and noticing what is in the way and why. A good “no” seems key as how can there be a yes to anything without discernment and the capacity and power to say no to what I don’t want in my energy field. For me, this is not necessarily about finding a partner or soul mate or twin flame. And it is not about not doing that either. There is much to be curious about around all of this as there is a way people think of wanting to be loved as a process to overcoming things to find someone to be happy with. That may be so and also not necessary at all. So I am exploring. The interesting thing to me currently is how incredibly happy I am most of the time in this little rooster and dog filled town simply renting a little, quiet room and walking on the beach to watch the sun rise and set. Certainly, this is not what school or society taught me would make me happy. A lot of things I have learned are simply wrong so I am busy unlearning as fast as I can.
Thanks for sharing Terra! I definitely hear you. Those blocks reminded me of that persistent pain after surgery you spoke of before. Once things flow through us they disappear somehow just like ghosts, who leave after we’ve learned the lesson they harboured. Those washing machines spin pretty fast sometimes. Hope you get that car! It’s tough after a RAV4 to find that feeling again. Sending light. Receiving is definitely a practice -lifetimes long to understand it. Bless you. 🙏❤️
Thanks Jamie. It is a practice and I am getting lots of it. My friend just handed me some cotton sheets that are lovely. A rare commodity here. I was walking through the early night to her house, as my friend rode by and waved to me from his bike, people were patting pupusas into shape, the moon is almost full...and I am so very, very happy. Not always. But usually. I never knew life could be this good.
“I know that for me to really let more love into my life...“
It’s my belief that the love your looking to let in is found by simply letting yourself love YOU.
All of you. ❤️
When you fall in love with yourself, all else falls into place.
Everything outside of you will reflect it back at you.
Thank you for sharing your insides, Terra. 🙏
Thank you Jacqueline. Yes, so true. And interestingly there is a lot around saying no to things that don’t resonate. I feel opportunities to do that are coming in to give me practice along with an exquisite amount of things I am so happy to feel and receive. It is an interesting practice and exploration. Despite the triggered states I flow through, I am finding the whole process rather interesting and fun.
Thanks for reading.
Very interesting journey you’re on Terra. You express yourself very well. Thank you for sharing! May you find The Love you seek. 💖
Thank you so much. Yes. Well, the journey is interesting for all of us. It is a good way to approach one's life...with curiosity and interest. The love is coming in and I am learning that saying "no" energetically to the frequency of energy I do not want to participate in, feels quite powerful for getting more of what I do want. I had another situation happen last night that just resolved this morning. I used the same energetic technique on the beach and ended up with the help and care I wanted. I hope we all get the Love we Seek :-).
I just stumbled upon your work and appreciate your insights and your struggles. I too have BLOCKS around money and a scarcity mindset.. I am working with my Accupressure friend (who I gladly pay) and working towards an abundant life~and exploring how deep my previous programming came from. Generations of struggles ~with my mother and grandmother trying to protect and provide for their children, I know I inherited some of that, and also hustling to provide for my own children when my ex was is a tool, and I am learning to see how blessed and rich I am.
God bless you in your journey 🙏 💕
Thanks Suzy. And we can change these things. It is happening. Just like the way you pay your acupuncturist…the good feeling of that. Money is a small word for a lot of frequencies. It can be joy, obligation and guilt, fear, abundance. It is so good to dive into it consciously rather than simply replaying the note we learned to play. Best wishes with your journey around this. I will write more on it. Magic has been happening as I change my response and I also notice some similar situations appear from the past…that have to do with mi money and fear…and I feel that is happening as the energy moves out of me. It is also an opportunity to notice and see if I can respond differently. All of this can be hard and also it makes life more of an interesting adventure. I don’t think we have to be stuck in anything!
Thank you for sharing your journey, Terra. Having been on that roller coaster (some decades ago), and found my beloved + received many other unexpected gifts, I'm cheering you on!!
It's well worth it. Saying a firm and clear 'NO' to things that don't resonate is definitely a good strategy. And 'falling in love with yourself' (as Jacqueline said) is essential. The hard (and fun) part is to figure out what those things exactly mean... 💕 🦋
Yes! What those things actually mean is interesting. For me, it is about exploring those words that came to me about feeling and allowing love into my system and noticing what is in the way and why. A good “no” seems key as how can there be a yes to anything without discernment and the capacity and power to say no to what I don’t want in my energy field. For me, this is not necessarily about finding a partner or soul mate or twin flame. And it is not about not doing that either. There is much to be curious about around all of this as there is a way people think of wanting to be loved as a process to overcoming things to find someone to be happy with. That may be so and also not necessary at all. So I am exploring. The interesting thing to me currently is how incredibly happy I am most of the time in this little rooster and dog filled town simply renting a little, quiet room and walking on the beach to watch the sun rise and set. Certainly, this is not what school or society taught me would make me happy. A lot of things I have learned are simply wrong so I am busy unlearning as fast as I can.
Thanks for sharing Terra! I definitely hear you. Those blocks reminded me of that persistent pain after surgery you spoke of before. Once things flow through us they disappear somehow just like ghosts, who leave after we’ve learned the lesson they harboured. Those washing machines spin pretty fast sometimes. Hope you get that car! It’s tough after a RAV4 to find that feeling again. Sending light. Receiving is definitely a practice -lifetimes long to understand it. Bless you. 🙏❤️
Thanks Jamie. It is a practice and I am getting lots of it. My friend just handed me some cotton sheets that are lovely. A rare commodity here. I was walking through the early night to her house, as my friend rode by and waved to me from his bike, people were patting pupusas into shape, the moon is almost full...and I am so very, very happy. Not always. But usually. I never knew life could be this good.
Thats a poem! Bless you 🙏❤️